Accepted name: adenosine deaminase
Reaction: (1) adenosine + H2O = inosine + NH3
(2) 2′-deoxyadenosine + H2O = 2′-deoxyinosine + NH3
Other name(s): deoxyadenosine deaminase
Systematic name: adenosine aminohydrolase
Comments: The enzyme, found in a wide variety of microorganisms, plants, invertebrates, and animals, plays a role in purine metabolism.
1.  Kaplan, N.O., Colowick, S.P. and Ciotti, M.M. Enzymatic deamination of cytosine nucleosides. J. Biol. Chem. 194 (1952) 579–591. [PMID: 14927650]
2.  Powell, J.F. and Hunter, J.R. Adenosine deaminase and ribosidase in spores of Bacillus cereus. Biochem. J. 62 (1956) 381–387. [PMID: 13303984]
3.  Singh, L.S. and Sharma, R. Purification and characterization of intestinal adenosine deaminase from mice. Mol. Cell. Biochem. 204 (2000) 127–134. [PMID: 10718633]
4.  Cristalli, G., Costanzi, S., Lambertucci, C., Lupidi, G., Vittori, S., Volpini, R. and Camaioni, E. Adenosine deaminase: functional implications and different classes of inhibitors. Med. Res. Rev. 21 (2001) 105–128. [PMID: 11223861]
[EC created 1961]