The Enzyme Database

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Accepted name: 6′′′-hydroxyneomycin C oxidase
Reaction: 6′′′-deamino-6′′′-hydroxyneomycin C + O2 = 6′′′-deamino-6′′′-oxoneomycin C + H2O2
Other name(s): neoG (gene name); neoQ (obsolete gene name)
Systematic name: 6′′′-deamino-6′′′-hydroxyneomycin C:oxygen 6′′′-oxidoreductase
Comments: Contains FAD. Involved in the biosynthetic pathway of aminoglycoside antibiotics of the neomycin family. Works in combination with EC, neomycin C transaminase, to replace the 6′′′-hydroxy group of 6′′′-hydroxyneomycin C with an amino group. Also catalyses EC, paromamine 6′-oxidase.
Links to other databases: BRENDA, EXPASY, KEGG, MetaCyc
1.  Huang, F., Spiteller, D., Koorbanally, N.A., Li, Y., Llewellyn, N.M. and Spencer, J.B. Elaboration of neosamine rings in the biosynthesis of neomycin and butirosin. ChemBioChem 8 (2007) 283–288. [DOI] [PMID: 17206729]
2.  Clausnitzer, D., Piepersberg, W. and Wehmeier, U.F. The oxidoreductases LivQ and NeoQ are responsible for the different 6′-modifications in the aminoglycosides lividomycin and neomycin. J. Appl. Microbiol. 111 (2011) 642–651. [DOI] [PMID: 21689223]
[EC created 2012]

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