The Enzyme Database

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Accepted name: enoyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] reductase (NADPH, Re-specific)
Reaction: an acyl-[acyl-carrier protein] + NADP+ = a trans-2,3-dehydroacyl-[acyl-carrier protein] + NADPH + H+
Other name(s): acyl-ACP dehydrogenase; enoyl-[acyl carrier protein] (reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate) reductase; NADPH 2-enoyl Co A reductase; enoyl-ACp reductase; enoyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] reductase (NADPH2, A-specific); acyl-[acyl-carrier-protein]:NADP+ oxidoreductase (A-specific); enoyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] reductase (NADPH, A-specific); acyl-[acyl-carrier protein]:NADP+ oxidoreductase (A-specific)
Systematic name: acyl-[acyl-carrier protein]:NADP+ oxidoreductase (Re-specific)
Comments: This enzyme completes each cycle of fatty acid elongation by catalysing the stereospecific reduction of the double bond at position 2 of a growing fatty acid chain, while linked to an acyl-carrier protein. It is one of the activities of EC, fatty-acid synthase system. The mammalian enzyme is Re-specific with respect to NADP+. cf. EC, enoyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] reductase (NADPH, Si-specific) and EC, enoyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] reductase (NADPH).
Links to other databases: BRENDA, EXPASY, Gene, KEGG, MetaCyc, PDB
1.  Dugan, R.E., Slakey, L.L. and Porter, L.W. Stereospecificity of the transfer of hydrogen from reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate to the acyl chain in the dehydrogenase-catalyzed reactions of fatty acid synthesis. J. Biol. Chem. 245 (1970) 6312–6316. [PMID: 4394955]
2.  Carlisle-Moore, L., Gordon, C.R., Machutta, C.A., Miller, W.T. and Tonge, P.J. Substrate recognition by the human fatty-acid synthase. J. Biol. Chem. 280 (2005) 42612–42618. [DOI] [PMID: 16215233]
[EC created 1986, modified 2013, modified 2018]

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