The Enzyme Database

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Accepted name: glycine dehydrogenase (cyanide-forming)
Reaction: glycine + 2 acceptor = hydrogen cyanide + CO2 + 2 reduced acceptor
For diagram of reaction, click here
Other name(s): hydrogen cyanide synthase; HCN synthase
Systematic name: glycine:acceptor oxidoreductase (hydrogen-cyanide-forming)
Comments: The enzyme from Pseudomonas sp. contains FAD. The enzyme is membrane-bound, and the 2-electron acceptor is a component of the respiratory chain. The enzyme can act with various artificial electron acceptors, including phenazine methosulfate.
Links to other databases: BRENDA, EXPASY, Gene, KEGG, MetaCyc
1.  Wissing, F. Cyanide production from glycine by a homogenate from a Pseudomonas species. J. Bacteriol. 121 (1975) 695–699. [PMID: 234422]
2.  Castric, P.A. Glycine metabolism by Pseudomonas aeruginosa: Hydrogen cyanide biosynthesis. J. Bacteriol. 130 (1977) 826–831. [PMID: 233722]
3.  Laville, J., Blumer, C., Von Schroetter, C., Gaia, V., Defago, G., Keel, C. and Haas, D. Characterization of the hcnABC gene cluster encoding hydrogen cyanide synthase and anaerobic regulation by ANR in the strictly aerobic biocontrol agent Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0. J. Bacteriol. 180 (1998) 3187–3196. [PMID: 9620970]
4.  Blumer, C. and Haas, D. Mechanism, regulation, and ecological role of bacterial cyanide biosynthesis. Arch. Microbiol. 173 (2000) 170–177. [PMID: 10763748]
[EC created 2002]

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