The Enzyme Database

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Accepted name: 2-(methylaminoethyl)phosphonate dehydrogenase (acceptor)
Reaction: 2-(methylaminoethyl)phosphonate + acceptor + H2O = phosphonoacetaldehyde + methylamine + reduced acceptor
Other name(s): pbfC (gene name); N-methyl-2-aminoethylphosphonate dehydrogenase (acceptor)
Systematic name: 2-(methylaminoethyl)phosphonate:acceptor oxidoreductase (phosphonoacetaldehyde-forming)
Comments: Contains FAD. The enzyme from the bacterium Azospirillum sp. B510 reacts about tenfold less efficiently with 2-(ethylaminoethyl)phosphonate and about 400-fold less efficiently with (2-aminoethyl)phosphonate. Oxygen is used poorly as an electron acceptor (at least 50-fold less efficiently than the artificial acceptor DCPIP). The physiological electron acceptor is unknown.
Links to other databases: BRENDA, EXPASY, KEGG, MetaCyc
1.  Zangelmi, E., Ruffolo, F., Dinhof, T., Gerdol, M., Malatesta, M., Chin, J.P., Rivetti, C., Secchi, A., Pallitsch, K. and Peracchi, A. Deciphering the role of recurrent FAD-dependent enzymes in bacterial phosphonate catabolism. iScience 26:108108 (2023). [DOI] [PMID: 37876809]
[EC created 2024]

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