The Enzyme Database

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Accepted name: [histone H3]-lysine9 N-trimethyltransferase
Reaction: 3 S-adenosyl-L-methionine + a [histone H3]-L-lysine9 = 3 S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine + a [histone H3]-N6,N6,N6-trimethyl-L-lysine9 (overall reaction)
(1a) S-adenosyl-L-methionine + a [histone H3]-L-lysine9 = S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine + a [histone H3]-N6-methyl-L-lysine9
(1b) S-adenosyl-L-methionine + a [histone H3]-N6-methyl-L-lysine9 = S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine + a [histone H3]-N6,N6-dimethyl-L-lysine9
(1c) S-adenosyl-L-methionine + a [histone H3]-N6,N6-dimethyl-L-lysine9 = S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine + a [histone H3]-N6,N6,N6-trimethyl-L-lysine9
Other name(s): KMT1A (gene name); KMT1B (gene name); KMT1C (gene name); KMT1D (gene name); KMT1F (gene name); MT8 (gene name); SUV39H1 (gene name); G9A (gene name); EHMT1 (gene name); PRDM2 (gene name)
Systematic name: S-adenosyl-L-methionine:[histone H3]-L-lysine9 N6-trimethyltransferase
Comments: This entry describes several enzymes that successively methylate the L-lysine9 residue of histone H3 (H3K9), ultimately generating a trimethylated form. These modifications influence the binding of chromatin-associated proteins. In general, the methylation of H3K9 leads to transcriptional repression of the affected target genes. cf. EC, [histone H3]-lysine9 N-methyltransferase, EC, [histone H3]-lysine9 N-dimethyltransferase, and EC, [histone H3]-N6,N6-dimethyl-lysine9 N-methyltransferase.
Links to other databases: BRENDA, EXPASY, Gene, KEGG, MetaCyc, PDB
1.  O'Carroll, D., Scherthan, H., Peters, A.H., Opravil, S., Haynes, A.R., Laible, G., Rea, S., Schmid, M., Lebersorger, A., Jerratsch, M., Sattler, L., Mattei, M.G., Denny, P., Brown, S.D., Schweizer, D. and Jenuwein, T. Isolation and characterization of Suv39h2, a second histone H3 methyltransferase gene that displays testis-specific expression. Mol. Cell Biol. 20 (2000) 9423–9433. [PMID: 11094092]
2.  Schotta, G., Ebert, A., Krauss, V., Fischer, A., Hoffmann, J., Rea, S., Jenuwein, T., Dorn, R. and Reuter, G. Central role of Drosophila SU(VAR)3-9 in histone H3-K9 methylation and heterochromatic gene silencing. EMBO J. 21 (2002) 1121–1131. [PMID: 11867540]
3.  Tachibana, M., Sugimoto, K., Nozaki, M., Ueda, J., Ohta, T., Ohki, M., Fukuda, M., Takeda, N., Niida, H., Kato, H. and Shinkai, Y. G9a histone methyltransferase plays a dominant role in euchromatic histone H3 lysine 9 methylation and is essential for early embryogenesis. Genes Dev. 16 (2002) 1779–1791. [PMID: 12130538]
4.  Schultz, D.C., Ayyanathan, K., Negorev, D., Maul, G.G. and Rauscher, F.J., 3rd. SETDB1: a novel KAP-1-associated histone H3, lysine 9-specific methyltransferase that contributes to HP1-mediated silencing of euchromatic genes by KRAB zinc-finger proteins. Genes Dev. 16 (2002) 919–932. [PMID: 11959841]
5.  Kim, K.C., Geng, L. and Huang, S. Inactivation of a histone methyltransferase by mutations in human cancers. Cancer Res. 63 (2003) 7619–7623. [PMID: 14633678]
6.  Wu, H., Min, J., Lunin, V.V., Antoshenko, T., Dombrovski, L., Zeng, H., Allali-Hassani, A., Campagna-Slater, V., Vedadi, M., Arrowsmith, C.H., Plotnikov, A.N. and Schapira, M. Structural biology of human H3K9 methyltransferases. PLoS One 5:e8570 (2010). [PMID: 20084102]
[EC created 1976 as EC, modified 1982, modified 1983, part transferred 2019 to EC, modified 2020]

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