The Enzyme Database

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Accepted name: 2-phospho-L-lactate guanylyltransferase
Reaction: (2S)-2-phospholactate + GTP = (2S)-lactyl-2-diphospho-5′-guanosine + diphosphate
For diagram of coenzyme F420 biosynthesis, click here
Other name(s): cofC (gene name) (ambiguous)
Systematic name: GTP:2-phospho-L-lactate guanylyltransferase
Comments: This enzyme is involved in the biosynthesis of coenzyme F420, a redox-active cofactor, in all methanogenic archaea. cf. EC, phosphoenolpyruvate guanylyltransferase and EC, 3-phospho-(R)-glycerate guanylyltransferase.
Links to other databases: BRENDA, EXPASY, Gene, KEGG, MetaCyc, PDB
1.  Grochowski, L.L., Xu, H. and White, R.H. Identification and characterization of the 2-phospho-L-lactate guanylyltransferase involved in coenzyme F420 biosynthesis. Biochemistry 47 (2008) 3033–3037. [DOI] [PMID: 18260642]
2.  Braga, D., Last, D., Hasan, M., Guo, H., Leichnitz, D., Uzum, Z., Richter, I., Schalk, F., Beemelmanns, C., Hertweck, C. and Lackner, G. Metabolic pathway rerouting in Paraburkholderia rhizoxinica evolved long-overlooked derivatives of coenzyme F420. ACS Chem. Biol. 14 (2019) 2088–2094. [PMID: 31469543]
[EC created 2010, revised 2019, modified 2020]

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