The Enzyme Database

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Accepted name: diadenylate cyclase
Reaction: 2 ATP = 2 diphosphate + cyclic di-3′,5′-adenylate
For diagram of cyclic di-3′,5′-adenylate biosynthesis and breakdown, click here
Glossary: cyclic di-3′,5′-adenylate = c-di-AMP = c-di-adenylate = cyclic-bis(3′→5′) dimeric AMP
Other name(s): cyclic-di-AMP synthase; dacA (gene name); disA (gene name)
Systematic name: ATP:ATP adenylyltransferase (cyclizing)
Comments: Cyclic di-3′,5′-adenylate is a bioactive molecule produced by some bacteria and archaea, which may function as a secondary signalling molecule [1].The intracellular bacterial pathogen Listeria monocytogenes secretes it into the host's cytosol, where it triggers a cytosolic pathway of innate immunity [2].
Links to other databases: BRENDA, EXPASY, Gene, KEGG, MetaCyc, PDB
1.  Witte, G., Hartung, S., Buttner, K. and Hopfner, K.P. Structural biochemistry of a bacterial checkpoint protein reveals diadenylate cyclase activity regulated by DNA recombination intermediates. Mol. Cell 30 (2008) 167–178. [DOI] [PMID: 18439896]
2.  Woodward, J.J., Iavarone, A.T. and Portnoy, D.A. c-di-AMP secreted by intracellular Listeria monocytogenes activates a host type I interferon response. Science 328 (2010) 1703–1705. [DOI] [PMID: 20508090]
[EC created 2013]

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