The Enzyme Database

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Accepted name: endo-(1→3)-fucoidanase
Reaction: endohydrolysis of (1→3)-α-L-fucoside linkages in fucan
Other name(s): α-L-fucosidase (incorrect); poly(1,3-α-L-fucoside-2/4-sulfate) glycanohydrolase
Systematic name: poly[(1→3)-α-L-fucoside-2/4-sulfate] glycanohydrolase
Comments: The enzyme specifically hydrolyses (1→3)-α-L-fucoside linkages in fucan. Fucans are found mainly in different species of seaweed and are sulfated polysaccharides with a backbone of (1→3)-linked or alternating (1→3)- and (1→4)-linked α-L-fucopyranosyl residues. In the literature, the sulfated polysaccharides are often called fucoidans. Fucoidans include polysaccharides with a relatively low proportion of fucose and some polysaccharides that have a backbone composed of other saccharides with fucose in the branching side chains. The sulfation of the α-L-fucopyranosyl residues may occur at positions 2 and 4. The enzyme degrades fucan to sulfated α-L-fucooligosaccharides but neither L-fucose nor small fucooligosaccharides are produced.
Links to other databases: BRENDA, EXPASY, KEGG, MetaCyc, PDB
1.  Thanassi, N.M. and Nakada, H.I. Enzymic degradation of fucoidan by enzymes from the hepatopancreas of abalone, Halotus species. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 118 (1967) 172–177.
2.  Bakunina, I.Iu, Nedashkovskaia, O.I., Alekseeva, S.A., Ivanova, E.P., Romanenko, L.A., Gorshkova, N.M., Isakov, V.V., Zviagintseva, T.N. and Mikhailov, V.V. [Degradation of fucoidan by the marine proteobacterium Pseudoalteromonas citrea] Mikrobiologiia 71 (2002) 49–55. [PMID: 11910806] (in Russian)
3.  Berteau, O. and Mulloy, B. Sulfated fucans, fresh perspectives: structures, functions, and biological properties of sulfated fucans and an overview of enzymes active toward this class of polysaccharide. Glycobiology 13 (2003) 29R–40R. [PMID: 12626402]
4.  Bilan, M.I., Kusaykin, M.I., Grachev, A.A., Tsvetkova, E.A., Zvyagintseva, T.N., Nifantiev, N.E. and Usov, A.I. Effect of enzyme preparation from the marine mollusk Littorina kurila on fucoidan from the brown alga Fucus distichus. Biochemistry (Mosc.) 70 (2005) 1321–1326. [PMID: 16417453]
[EC created 1972 as EC, part transferred 2020 to EC ]

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