The Enzyme Database

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Accepted name: pancreatic endopeptidase E
Reaction: Preferential cleavage: Ala┼. Does not hydrolyse elastin
Other name(s): cholesterol-binding proteinase; proteinase E; cholesterol-binding serine proteinase; pancreatic protease E; pancreatic proteinase E; cholesterol-binding pancreatic proteinase; CBPP; pancreas E proteinase
Comments: A peptidase of family S1 (trypsin family) from pancreatic juice. Unlike elastases, has an acidic pI. Binds cholesterol
Links to other databases: BRENDA, EXPASY, Gene, KEGG, MetaCyc, MEROPS, CAS registry number: 68073-27-8
1.  Mallory, P.A. and Travis, J. Human pancreatic enzymes: purification and characterization of a nonelastolytic enzyme, protease E, resembling elastase. Biochemistry 14 (1975) 722–729. [PMID: 234742]
2.  Shen, W., Fletcher, T.S. and Largman, C. Primary structure of human pancreatic protease E determined by sequence analysis of the cloned mRNA. Biochemistry 26 (1987) 3447–3452. [PMID: 3477287]
[EC created 1992]

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