The Enzyme Database

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Accepted name: AMP deaminase
Reaction: AMP + H2O = IMP + NH3
For diagram of AMP catabolism, click here
Other name(s): adenylic acid deaminase; AMP aminase; adenylic deaminase; adenylate deaminase; 5-AMP deaminase; adenosine 5-monophosphate deaminase; 5-adenylate deaminase; adenyl deaminase; 5-adenylic acid deaminase; adenosine monophosphate deaminase; adenylate aminohydrolase; adenylate desaminase; adenosine 5-phosphate aminohydrolase; 5-adenylate deaminase
Systematic name: AMP aminohydrolase
Comments: cf. EC adenosine-phosphate deaminase.
Links to other databases: BRENDA, EXPASY, Gene, GTD, KEGG, MetaCyc, PDB, CAS registry number: 9025-10-9
1.  Kalckar, H.M. Differential spectrophotometry of purine compounds by means of specific enzymes. III. Studies of the enzymes of purine metabolism. J. Biol. Chem. 167 (1947) 461–475. [PMID: 20285041]
2.  Lee, Y.-P. 5′-Adenylic acid deaminase. I. Isolation of the crystalline enzyme from rabbit skeletal muscle. J. Biol. Chem. 227 (1957) 987–992. [PMID: 13463019]
3.  Lee, Y.-P. 5′-Adenylic acid deaminase. II. Homogeneity and physicochemical properties. J. Biol. Chem. 227 (1957) 993–998. [PMID: 13463020]
4.  Lee, Y.-P. 5′-Adenylic acid deaminase. III. Properties and kinetic studies. J. Biol. Chem. 227 (1957) 999–1007. [PMID: 13463021]
5.  Mendicino, J. and Muntz, J.A. The activating effect of adenosine triphosphate on brain adenylic deaminase. J. Biol. Chem. 233 (1958) 178–183. [PMID: 13563464]
6.  Turner, D.H. and Turner, J.F. Adenylic deaminase of pea seeds. Biochem. J. 79 (1961) 143–147. [PMID: 13778717]
7.  Weil-Malherbe, W. and Green, R.H. Ammonia formation in brain. 2. Brain adenylic deaminase. Biochem. J. 61 (1955) 218–224. [PMID: 13260201]
[EC created 1961]

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