The Enzyme Database

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Accepted name: (methylthio)acryloyl-CoA hydratase
Reaction: 3-(methylsulfanyl)acryloyl-CoA + 2 H2O = acetaldehyde + methanethiol + CoA + CO2 (overall reaction)
(1a) 3-(methylsulfanyl)acryloyl-CoA + H2O = 3-hydroxy-3-(methylsulfanyl)propanoyl-CoA
(1b) 3-hydroxy-3-(methylsulfanyl)propanoyl-CoA = 3-oxopropanoyl-CoA + methanethiol
(1c) 3-oxopropanoyl-CoA + H2O = 3-oxopropanoate + CoA
(1d) 3-oxopropanoate = acetaldehyde + CO2
Glossary: 3-(methylsulfanyl)acryloyl-CoA = 3-(methylsulfanyl)prop-2-enoyl-CoA
Other name(s): DmdD
Systematic name: 3-(methylsulfanyl)prop-2-enoyl-CoA hydro-lyase (acetaldehyde-forming)
Comments: The enzyme is involved in the degradation of 3-(dimethylsulfonio)propanoate, an osmolyte produced by marine phytoplankton. Isolated from the bacterium Ruegeria pomeroyi.
Links to other databases: BRENDA, EXPASY, Gene, KEGG, MetaCyc, PDB
1.  Tan, D., Crabb, W.M., Whitman, W.B. and Tong, L. Crystal structure of DmdD, a crotonase superfamily enzyme that catalyzes the hydration and hydrolysis of methylthioacryloyl-CoA. PLoS One 8:e63870 (2013). [DOI] [PMID: 23704947]
[EC created 2015]

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