The Enzyme Database

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Accepted name: ABC-type glycerol 3-phosphate transporter
Reaction: ATP + H2O + sn-glycerol 3-phosphate-[glycerol 3-phosphate-binding protein][side 1] = ADP + phosphate + sn-glycerol 3-phosphate[side 2] + [glycerol 3-phosphate-binding protein][side 1]
Other name(s): glycerol-3-phosphate ABC transporter; glycerol-3-phosphate-transporting ATPase
Systematic name: ATP phosphohydrolase (ABC-type, sn-glycerol 3-phosphate-importing)
Comments: An ATP-binding cassette (ABC) type transporter, characterized by the presence of two similar ATP-binding domains/proteins and two integral membrane domains/proteins. Does not undergo phosphorylation during the transport process. A bacterial enzyme that interacts with an extracytoplasmic substrate binding protein and mediates the high affinity uptake of glycerol 3-phosphate and various glycerophosphodiesters.
Links to other databases: BRENDA, EXPASY, Gene, KEGG, MetaCyc
1.  Saier, M.H., Jr. Molecular phylogeny as a basis for the classification of transport proteins from bacteria, archaea and eukarya. Adv. Microb. Physiol. 40 (1998) 81–136. [PMID: 9889977]
2.  Griffiths, J.K. and Sansom, C.E. The Transporter Factsbook, Academic Press, San Diego, 1998.
3.  Bahl, H., Burchhardt, G. and Wienecke, A. Nucleotide sequence of two Clostridium thermosulfurogenes EM1 genes homologous to Escherichia coli genes encoding integral membrane components of binding-protein-dependent transport systems. FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 65 (1991) 83–87. [PMID: 1874408]
[EC created 2000 as EC, transferred 2018 to EC]

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